Nice to meet you!

I'm Jessie!

My decision to become a health coach was born out of frustration with a system that was failing me. After years of trying to patch up my wounds and power through, I finally realized my need to get to the root of them and truly heal. 

A bit about me...

I have always been a go-getter, highly driven with enormous dreams. I have fire inside of me and have always had a “some people succeed; why shouldn’t I be one of them?” mindset! I was so ready for life that I quite literally shot out into the world. The nurse had to catch me before the doctor could make it into the delivery room! 

What does any of this have to do with health coaching? Well, my drive and ambition has often been met with health related obstacles. I dealt with crippling separation anxiety early in my childhood, chronic pain in my young adulthood, was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and celiac disease at 23, and I have experienced elusive hormonal challenges. I’ve seen one of my favorite people in the world fight an unrelenting case of major depressive disorder as well as witnessed both of my parents’ battles with cancer.


I wasn’t about to let these challenges stop me from having the life I so desired. I listened to my body’s cry for help and made lasting lifestyle changes, making my mental and physical health my top priority. Diagnosis was fairly simple - in my case - but true lifestyle changes were trickier... and they were up to me. With my support system by my side, l started to be the one running my own life rather than the other way around. I felt liberated.

In becoming a coach, I learned how to help others while helping myself. I took life-altering steps that lowered my stress and anxiety levels significantly. I drastically improved my hormone health and had few to no celiac related flare ups. Most excitingly, my goals and dreams started to feel attainable again. If I could help myself this way, I could help others, too! How exciting is that?!


Let me be clear. Life is never going to stop throwing curveballs. I ended up losing my dad in September of 2021, and it has been the most painful experience of them all. That being said, I have tools now to work through it and to grieve the way I need to. I feel better in my body and more in control of my health because I know how to take care of myself. Remember that little girl who was terrified of separation? Her biggest fear came true, but this time, her body isn’t letting her down along the way. In fact, it's supporting her through it.

Wellness doesn’t look like diets. It doesn’t look like all the magical free time we think everyone has – based on their Instagram feeds – to heal. And, it doesn’t have to be expensive! It DOES look like accountability, having the right resources, and getting to know yourself so well that you get to call the shots – and that is where I come in. Let me help you give yourself a chance in this life to finally feel well and to be so in tune with your body that you feel like it’s a part of you! 

my favorite things






Food and cooking

The arts


Big quality time girl over here! I am an extrovert and fill my cup by spending time with my family, my partner, my friends, and Ruby, my family's dog.

Celiac disease inspired me to cook more! I feel my creativity in full force in the kitchen! I also love cozy drinks like matcha lattes, coffee, and tea!

When I'm not coaching, you can catch me on the stage! I am a musical theater performer and feel inspired by all things art!

Whether it's trying a new restaurant, exploring a new place, or dancing the night away, I love an adventure!